Dry time is less than 1 hour
100% Organic
Safe for pets and kids
No risk of mold and water damage
Spots will not return
Our method will not void any carpet warranty
Removes dust mites, mold, and other allergens
Improves indoor air quality
Safe for all carpet and rugs
Will not breakdown carpet pad
Carpet will smell fresh and clean
Hot water extraction
Carpets take a long time to dry, sometimes up to 36 hours
Heat can often shrink the actual fiber of the carpet, dull the color and give it a matted down washed out look
Some chemicals that are used have a residue that stays behind and attracts more dirt
Another common complaint is that spots and stains tend to reappear; this is known as the wicking effect
Bonnet, Rotary Buffing or Spin Pad Cleaning
Can cause carpet distortion / texture issues, piled yarns may lose their twist, and staple yarns may fuzz
Improper agitation can cause irreversible damage to the carpet fibers
In our opinion it’s hard to imagine that this method could give a deep cleaning when the bonnet only makes contact with the top surface of the carpets
Foam Cleaning
Can leave behind a dirt attracting residue
Longer dry time
Spots that wick back are highly likely